music theatre


18-21 May 2017   Big Bang Festival 3

Onassis Cultural Centre Athens

fly veniadis
fly veniadis

Hovering – flying – flight – a journey up above, high, to the sky!

In Aristophanes’s comedy Peace, Trygaeus rides a beetle and soars heavenwards to speak to the gods. Experimental musical instruments and constructions inspired by simple everyday object offer a different dimension to this flight as they paint with colorful sounds the emotions it evokes. The original sounds thus produced create a new musical world which excites our young listeners’ imagination and demonstrates that music is omnipresent and can be created at any given place or time.


Composition/acting Eleftherios Veniadis

Vocals/mezzo soprano Anna Pagkalou

Experimental musical construction Stefan Roszak

Percussions Alexandros Giovanos

Lights Melina Mascha

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